Full body tattoo – complete!

It’s something I’ve wanted to finish off for a long time.  It’s been a long, expensive process, and every remotely visible space on my body is (finally) covered in ink.

OK, not really.  But I could completely cover my body in mid ’80s superstars and action shots  should I feel the need, thanks to last week’s purchase of six unopened boxes of 1986 Topps Tattoos:

You see, with virtually no new releases that have grabbed my attention I’ve been looking elsewhere to fulfill my collecting desires.  I’ve purchased more bargain relics recently than I know what to do with (not a bad thing, in my eyes), so I’ve been redirecting my collection to my other hobby love:  junk wax.

There used to be something majestic about an unopened box, and some day, probably sooner than later, we’ll all look back fondly and remember the place we used to call a ‘hobby shop.’  There isn’t a collector on the planet that doesn’t love a good hobby shop, and I’ve been thinking that what better feeling could there possibly be (other than, of course, eating ice cream) than walking into a hobby shop of my very own?  Of course, to open one you need lots of products that are in high demand, like 1988 and ’89 Topps Stickers and 1986 Topps Tattoos.

I’m working on converting my ‘man cave’, as the wife has dubbed it, into a feaux ’90s card shop.  The unopened boxes are displayed but with the packs untouched.  Technically, they’re open, I guess, but the packs are left sealed.  I’ve even purchased two posters to let visitors know they can believe their eyes:  Yes, I do have ’91 and ’92 Topps in stock!

I’ll add pictures of my store as I acquire more inventory.  I’m working on expanding my junk wax purchasing opportunities, too, so please let me know if any of your shops have good deals on junk wax.  I’d be happy to transfer money in advance, send pre-paid shipping labels, and perhaps include a little something-something extra for the effort!

I’m also debating taking donations of junk wax for foster children – I’d pay for shipping – so if it’s something you might be interested in shoot me an email or leave a comment (with a link to your email address) and I’ll contact you.