How to open your own card shop

For the first time in my adult working life, I’m taking Opening Day off.  I’ve always wanted to do this on someone else’s dime – I did it every year in college, but when the only thing you’re missing is class, it doesn’t count.  To be perfectly honest, grandma #2 (my mother) is flying in to San Diego late this morning to take over day care duties for the next month and needs to be picked up from the airport.  Her flight conveniently arrives around 11am – and someone has to stay home with the baby until then!  I’m taking one for the team.

As I’m sitting on the couch taking in all of the opening day action, I can’t help but think how in a perfect world I’d be at work, except my ‘job’ would be running a card shop.  In my perfect dream world a card shop would be a highly lucrative business.  I’d sit and shoot the breeze with my customers all day long as the games played in the background.

A bit of a morbid curiosity came over me and I started searching for the card shop opening process, beyond the renting of office space.  I came across Upper Deck’s direct Sports Card hobby application, which you’d have to fill out and submit to qualify for wholesale/direct-from-distributor pricing.  Thought you may be interested, if not just slightly curious.  Click on the images to enlarge them.

Got the application from this site.  Sounds like you have to open your shop, and then apply.  Talk about a gamble… yikes!  Makes you appreciate the still-standing brick and mortar stores just a little more, doesn’t it?

4 Responses

  1. That has been my dream since I was about 11. Who knows if I will ever realize it or not, but it sure is fun to think about…

  2. I filed all of this paperwork for someone I knew who was opening a card shop when I was in high school. You are right about having to open first and acquire your dealer license. So, you have to find a decent distributor or work out a deal with Blowout or someone like that to get you through those first few months.

  3. I wonder how much inventory you’d need to have before opening one?

  4. i would like to open a store, i just dont know where to begin

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